Navigating Debt Prioritization 2

Navigating Debt Prioritization: Which Debts Should You Pay First?

In the ever-evolving landscape of personal finances, understanding debt prioritization remains crucial. Not all debts are equal, and knowing which ones should take precedence can make a significant difference in your financial well-being.  Here we explore the updated hierarchy of debt prioritization to help you make informed decisions regarding your payments.

Which Debts Should Be Prioritized?

Prioritizing your debts is paramount, as the consequences of neglecting certain obligations can be severe. The following factors should be considered when determining the priority of your debts:

  • Secured Debts:
    Secured debts, such as mortgages or car loans, should typically take precedence over unsecured debts. Failing to make payments on secured debts can lead to repossession of essential assets like your home or vehicle. It’s essential to maintain these payments to protect your vital possessions.
  • Utility Bills:
    Falling behind on utility bills can result in disconnection of essential services. This includes electricity, gas, and water. Keep these payments up to date to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of your household.
  • Council Tax:
    Unpaid Council Tax can lead to serious consequences, including visits from bailiffs, County Court Judgments, or debt collectors. Addressing these payments promptly is crucial to avoid legal repercussions.
  • Rent:
    Failure to pay rent can result in eviction from your home. Housing security is a fundamental aspect of financial stability, making rent a high-priority debt.
  • Child Maintenance:
    Non-payment of child maintenance can lead to enforcement actions, including money deductions from your wages or visits from bailiffs or debt collectors. Prioritize these payments to fulfill your legal responsibilities.
  • Car Finance:
    Defaulting on car finance payments can lead to repossession and further financial strain. Ensure you maintain these payments to retain your vehicle.
  • Credit Cards:
    While credit card debts are unsecured, neglecting them can result in late fees, increased interest rates, legal actions, or visits from debt collectors. Consider paying off credit card debts with higher interest rates first to minimize long-term costs.
  • Phone Bill:
    Non-payment of your phone bill can lead to disconnection of services. In our connected world, this could have a significant impact on your daily life.

Does the Size of the Debt Matter?

The size of your debt remains a vital consideration in prioritization, as does the level of interest that you are paying on each debt – it’s important to strike the right balance. While it may be tempting to allocate more funds to larger debts, focusing on smaller debts with higher interest rates, such as credit cards or store cards, can be a strategic move. By paying off these high-interest debts quickly, you can free up more funds to tackle larger, long-term debts with lower interest rates.

Managing Missed Payments

If you find yourself unable to meet minimum monthly repayments for all your debts, it’s crucial to seek help promptly. Unmanageable debt situations require effective debt solutions to regain control of your finances. Various debt solutions are available to suit your unique needs.

Explore the debt solution section of our website for comprehensive information on available options, or request a free callback to receive impartial guidance from our experienced team.

At Debt Movement, we understand that anyone can encounter financial challenges. Our mission is to assist you in overcoming debt and achieving financial freedom. With a track record of helping over 36,000 individuals, we’re here to support you on your journey to financial well-being. Request a free callback today to discuss your specific debt situation and explore potential solutions.



At Debt Movement we provide professional debt guidance and solutions that help you move out of debt. We offer non-judgemental financial guidance to relieve the burden of financial strain and offer support on your journey to financial freedom. Request a free call back today.
